Saturday, September 3, 2011

The End of the Beginning.

It is true. This is the last blog posting that will be on the Jambo Nuc. 


All my friends who read my blog and gave me feedback when I was insecure. 

Everyone who ever mentioned the blog to me whether in a speech, a casual conversation in the bathrooms at LCHS, at a party, etc. I honestly probably would have never completed more than one post if people hadn't been so AWESOME and gave me such great encouragement. 

My Momma, for keeping the blog bookmarked. 

Everyone who has ever read the jambo nuc. 

This blog began as a little endeavor to fufill some long hours second semester senior year. However, the JN gave me so much more than another space and webadress to squander away time when I should have been doing homework, among other productive things. It helped facilitate a new voice for me, the one that was always running through my head, the quirky and sarcastic weirdo I am got to be showcased through this little blog. 

Right now, as I write, I feel like I'm taking myself so seriously. Like this blog wasn't all that important. The thing is, it probably wasn't to most people. Maybe some heard of it, some occasionally read it, but the thing is... IT WAS IMPORTANT TO ME. 

Every piece of writing I've done, has gradually led me to grow a bit more each time as a person, as a writer, as someone trying to experience the most out of life. 

As silly as it seems, this blog, among other systems of support and spontaneity, gave me the courage to dare to be different. To do something not many dare to do. 

No, I am not talking about skydiving or dancing on the bar at grad night (not once, but twice, and falling both times...) Right. My Mom still reads this.... 

Of course, I discussing the journey I embark on in essentially three days. I have my final lazy, crusty sunday tomorrow. My last start of a new week, with a new to-do list monday... and my last tuesday (nothing ever special really happens on tuesdays anymore... I guess tacos... but I'm not risking any mexican food mishaps with regards to the stomach considering the flights i'm taking wednesday)... and then I'm off. 

I've started a new blog. 
Not because the JN isn't great, but the fact of the matter is, the JN is home. 
And I, Lizzie Jambo Miller, am finally leaving home. 

Just as I leave the bed I spend countless hours in... The DVR which has recorded my greys, my criminal minds, my law and order SVU, lost (when it was on), glee, etc.... My home, my family, my friends, my dog (which I have come to learn to love. I am going to go on a huge tangent right now about my dog. so skip to the end of the parenthetical device if you aren't down to read. A few months/blog posts ago, I said I didn't like my dog. My dog is the SHIT. the cats pjs. the bees knees. the coolest animal ever. She's freaking chill. And I really never gave her the credit she deserved. Once all my pals departed to college, and my mom had to start school again, as a teacher, my little sister going back as a fourth grader, and my older sisters work hours expanding exponentially... I was left to kick it with no one but my pup. Zoey, I formally apologize for dissing you over the internet. I love you pooopsieee puppy dooggie. WOW. that was freaking embarassing. Like I give one bleep, just kidding, I don't give two bleeps)

Oh right.... so I was talking about things I was leaving. Well you can fill in the rest of that list keeping in mind that I'm going to the third world... and giving up a lot of what I'm used to and have grown to place both mentally and physically in my idea of "home". 

So, the JN, the jambo nuc, the jambo nucleus, the blog of a sassy white girl with too much free time, must come to an end. 

However, nothing ever really comes to an end in my mind. It just continues in a different fashion. My creative outlet and need to ramble will not die with the last posting of this blog. 

It will however, be moved to a new location. 

will be the new online location of my rambling thoughts. 

I love you all and will miss seeing your faces dearly. 
The memories I have will undoubtedly fade, BUT WILL NEVER BE FORGOTTEN. 


In another life brotha.