Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sunday Paralysis

I feel like Miss Havisham from Great Expectations right now...

Okay, its been less than 35 years since I last moved at all, but my Sunday ritual of crusting in bed certainly makes me lose track of time and considering the fact I'm still wearing the shirt I wore last night.... I'm on my way to never moving again and wearing the same outfit for the rest of my life.

Anyway, I've never even seen Great Expectations, just the Sassy Gay Friend of it on youtube.
So don't go thinking I'm all well read or am motivated enough to actually rent a movie...

Renting a movie would require getting out of bed, finding my keys, forgetting my dignity and the social norms of the environment I take part in and eventually leaving the house in sweats, offensive make up, and sporting hair that was popularized by homeless, toothless, peasants of mid-evil England...

Instead, I choose to sit in bed and wonder when crusting not only became a verb, but also an intengral part of the binding routine I call life....

Sundays used to be busy. I had a job, I taught a confirmation class, I did homework....
I most likely had an ASB lunch, and was already preparing mentally for Monday's officer meeting for Y and G. Many Sundays, I had debutantes. Oh wait... and I used to play softball?

Oh, how things have changed. The FUNNIEST part of this whole realization that I've basically become a certifiable vegetable on Sundays, hiding like anne frank or a heliophobic in my room.... is that I finally understand Senioritis. I have got the plague.

Now listen up all you youngsters.... You haven't got senioritis. You may think you do... But you don't. I say this because I was that loud mouthed kid who claimed they had senioritis from about mid-sophmore year on...
But you don't have senioritis if you are still doing things to try to get you out of La Canada.
If you still have extra-cirrics, an SAT tutor, a sport, and the motivation to move before noon on Sunday, you haven't been infected. DBAS. (dream big all-star).

Senioritis... it's more than being ready to leave. We've all been ready to leave since the day we realized the UA has a rodent problem, lice infected seats, and that the "cop" who patrols the theater on Friday nights, doesn't actually have any authority.. I doubt any 8th graders are reading this, but if on the off chance I've picked up a younger audience... SCREW THAT FOE-COP.... And stop lying to your parents.... If you are walking down to burger king/sitting at Starbucks for the duration of a movie to talk about drama or hang out with guys....  just tell them... they won't care.... I spent too much of my life holding on to movie tickets stubs just in case my mom asked for them...  checking movie synopsizes on the original iphone....  BECAUSE I WAS SO SKETCHY SITTING AT STARBUCKS with my friends?  Mom, I know you read my blog... So I take this moment here and now to apologize for lying about going to starbucks/rice garden. Hope you aren't TOO mad.

Wow, that whole little rant made me pretty nostalgic for 8th grade. Nothing like racoon-eyes and not knowing how to use eye-liner.... Nothing like daily fraps and taco deli nachos and remaining relatively thin... Nothing like the beeline on Fridays... WHO REMEMBERS WHEN THE LCF SHUTTLLE BROKE DOWN ON MICHIGAN HILL? WHO REMEMBERS WHEN BUSHMAN GOT HIT BY A MOM TALKING ON HER CELLPHONE? WHO REMEMBERS ROUTINE PHOTOSHOOTS AT MEMORIAL PARK WHILE THE BOYS SKATED... WHO REMEMBERS WHEN KB AND JM GOT IN A FIGHT AT MEMORIAL? WHO REMEMBERS THE Y DANCE WHERE THERE WAS A ROSEMONT VS LC GIRL FIGHT? (okay one attempt at a punch was made... doesn't constitute a girl fight, but the memory remains epic either way...) WHO REMEMBERS HOLLISTER/ABERCROMBIE TANKS IN EVERY COLOR... WHO REMEMBERS IDOLIZING THE CAST OF THE OC/LAGUNA BEACH/ EVERYONE KNEW NEWPORT HARBOR WAS A FAIL. WHO REMEMBERS MYSPACE? LiZzIe'ZZZZ PAGE. Hi :) I'm lizzie, I blow out my candles on july 9. :) I hate drama. I love my friends. I'm super chill, so if you want to get to know me... leave a comment :) (insert artsy picture from photobucket now.) COMMENTS? NAH BITCH, WE WALL TO WALL NOW.

Hopefully... I'm not the only one who remembers....
Wait, what the hell was I originally talking about... Hi I have ADHD, nice to meet you? No, I won't sell you adderol, asshole.

So back to Senioritis. Trust me, juniors who swear they DGAF and aren't going to study for AP exams.... You don't have it. Sophomore girls whose friend group has so much drama they SWEAR they are ready to move on, you aren't infected. And to the sketch freshman who have drank already... YOU DON'T HAVE SENIORITIS EITHER.

You just don't.
That's all for now. 
I have some very important crusting to attend to.

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