Sunday, April 10, 2011

first encounters

I  met my friend's roomate last night. Even though she isn't even college yet. I've actually met a few future roomates lately... But how can this be? my friends and their roomates haven't actually met yet... WHAT? profound. 

These questions are answered by one word... technology. 

i've never been one to handwrite letters... pull a rick mohney and declare email the worst thing society has yet to encounter... I never write by warm candlelight... I use the zipper, not the hook and eye. oh wait... I wasn't declaring reasons why I wasn't amish... I was explaining that I was not a anti-technology crusader (let's face it... I'm a BLOGGER.)... but just a little weirded out by the type of "first encounters" we now have. 

Isn't it weird that the first time my friend's roomate met me.... was over a recorded video? I told her to add me after, which she did... but I mean... now we will never have the actual "first encounter" we will never have that weird embrace... we will already know each others hobbies, what kind of music the other listens to, siblings, past relationship status... etc. ISN'T THAT WEIRD? 

Facebook, my love and pride and joy... is essentially ruining actually getting to know people. and it kinda bothers me. 

at the same time, look at the kind of crap we all post. I am super charged guilty times ten of this. we all post crap to make ourselves look a certain way. hell, look at the image i'm projecting... ah gawd. facebook. chips and lawlsa man. chips and lawlsa. (creds to DICKLER (ryley sickler... keep up). 

look, I promised I'd make it happen. low key. I LOVE TRENDING WORDS. (phewf, that felt good to get off my chest. no one knew THAT before.) 

Anywhoozile, it just all makes me laugh. Like is this the college experience we've all tried so hard for? A world pre-meditated by FACEBOOK? 

Well shit, call me Cady Heron.... (after all, I will be spending sometime in south africa next year, Jambo!).... maybe I am just a freakin jungle freak who isn't even going to college NEXT YEAR. 

bahaha. awh gawd. 
It's like the rolflmation lawlzification act of 1863. 
just that funny. 

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