Thursday, June 2, 2011

reasons why I should have joined choir in high school

1. The pops concert. You wish I didn't take careful notes on my blackberry about every single act at POPs. But oh, I did. And then transcribed about 2/3 of them in blog format... and then realized how creepy and odd I was for taking meticulous notes on every performer at the POPs concert.... I may be and write preteniously, (who that blogs doesn't), but not arrogantly enough to write a critique (EVEN THOUGH THEY WERE ALL POSITIVE) on every act at pops. It would have been too much. Even for me. 

2.Choir people (espesh Chamber) get to be cliquey without being bitchy. Because its like... they are actually talented, and aren't douchey enough to have a trademark pose for the yearbook or general group pictures. No fishie face here folks. 

3. The sweatshirts are always cool. They haven't tried to look fratty and go neon.... Nor put some half funny half not funny enough innuendo on the shirt either. Or have some joke that no one except club members understand. Like  sq. root of negative one <3 math... come on... every freshman and person who took alg at chillside is walking around not knowing what the hell the shirt means.

4. Choir people feel secure singing in the car. Always. And Sing well. They often break the sing song in the car ice.... we all need it. AND CHOIR PEOPLE CAN HARMONIZE IN THE CAR... AND THEN THEY TURN TO YOU AND SAY, "LETS HARMONIZE".... AND I ALWAYS GO.. UH YEAH. WHATEVER THAT MEANS... AND THEN SOMEONE SAYS YOU SING THE LOW PART I SING THE HIGH PART.... AND I THINK TO MYSELF... WHAT PART ISN'T IT THE SAME WORDS... LULZ..... CATS OUT OF THE BAG.... wow.... I am embarassing... 
5. They don't have fundraisers (except song grams... but come on... everyone knows that's a joke and most people are always too hungover to even go to song grams and croak out the holiday notes..) so they aren't like in your face begging you to buy a pre-sale ticket to a cafeteria dance that you have no interest going to... like sorry not all of us like cutting up white tees wearing spandex, socks, and a "fun color" bra and dancing on a wooden box while certain teachers give you the "are you sober?" eye.... jambs.... 

6. Chamber people always get assembly time. and LBH, assembly time at LCHS is like.... social gold. let's face it. you can always name the assemblies commissioners from when you were in high school... or at least recognize them.... ditto epic cheer leaders.... ditto... well.. some people in chamber.... but who needs assembly time when you have a blog... DUH..... 


7. Oh. and the best reason. CHOIR TOURS. What the hell. So  cool. No other organization on school grounds like... GOES TO ITALY... and no teacher has a problem with it... because you are like spreading music or some crap. I barely got to go to knotts for physics this year because some teachers were so bitchy about me missing their class..... and its not only the ditching school part... but as everyone knows... just like everyone hooks up on habitat for humanity trips.... and no one hooks up on yosemite trips.... (sorry it's true)... THE MORMONS RUN WILD ON TOUR. And that my friend, is a sight to see.  Or so I've heard. Or have I? 

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